No more slowdown in fennel prices

28-Jun-2024 07:04 PM

New Delhi . During the current season, due to increased production of fennel in the country, a record slowdown in prices has been registered.

The prices of light goods at the production centers have come down to Rs 6500/8000 per quintal. Whereas last year during the same period,

the prices were being quoted at Rs 15000/17500 per quintal. Sources believe that at present the prices of fennel are running at the minimum level. With the improvement in demand in the coming days, prices are also likely to rise.

It is worth mentioning that due to a good rise in the prices of fennel in the last season, farmers got attractive prices for their produce. Due to which farmers sowed fennel on a larger area.

According to the information received, fennel was sown on about 1.97/2 lakh hectares in the major producing states of Gujarat, Rajasthan and other states, whereas in the year 2023, the sowing area was less than 1 lakh hectare.

After more sowing, the weather also remained favorable for the crop. Due to which the production of fennel in the country this year is estimated to be around 38/39 lakh bags (each bag 55 kg). Whereas last year the production was 20/21 lakh bags.

Due to good demand from exporters, the export performance of fennel from the year 2023-24 has been excellent. According to the data released by the Spices Board, during the year 2023-24 (April-March), the export of fennel was 39565 tonnes.

Whereas in the year 2022-23, the export was 20201 tonnes. In the first month of the year 2024-25, April, the export of fennel was 13396.75 tonnes. Whereas in April-2023 the export was 6462 tonnes. Even at the beginning of the current month, due to good demand from exporters, the export price was quoted at Rs 90 per kg. But currently due to decrease in demand the price has come down to Rs 80.