Lentil prices strong in Canada amid vigorous harvesting

05-Sep-2024 04:14 PM

Regina. In both the top producing states of Canada- Saskatchewan and Alberta, vigorous harvesting and preparation of lentil crop is still going on but despite this the market remains strong.

In Saskatchewan province, 72 percent of lentil crop was harvested till August 26, while due to clear and favorable weather, the total scope of harvesting is expected to increase to 85 percent by the end of the current week. In Alberta too, the pace of harvesting and preparation of the crop is increasing.

Buyers are currently showing good interest especially in buying green lentils, due to which the price of thick green lentils has improved to 50 cents per pound and the price of small green lentils has reached 45 cents per pound.

The price of medium green lentils is being reported to be 46 cents (32-33 US cents) per pound. But the price of red lentils is stuck at 29 cents per pound.

Similarly, the market of French green and Beluga (black) lentils is quiet. The interest of buyers in this is seen to be negligible.

Going forward, the activity of buyers may increase somewhat. The average yield rate of lentil crop is coming out to be different in different areas.

This difference is being seen not only from one district to another but also from one farm to another, so it is difficult to track the actual production of the crop.

But the current data indicates that the average yield rate of lentil can be between 15-20 bushels per acre. In the initial report of the government agency - Stats Can,

lentil production in Canada has been estimated to jump to 27.70 lakh tonnes during the 2024-25 season,

which is much higher than last year's production of 18 lakh tonnes. Industry-trade analysts have expressed the possibility of production of 15.50 lakh tonnes of red lentils,

9 lakh tonnes of green lentils and 3.20 lakh tonnes of other varieties of lentils during the current season.