Fear of damage to Kharif crops due to floods and rains in the central-western part

05-Sep-2024 11:04 AM

New Delhi. The period of torrential rains is continuing in the central and western parts of the country due to the continued activity of the southwest monsoon, due to which a serious crisis of floods and waterlogging is being seen in many areas.

Due to water logging in the fields for a long time, various Kharif crops are suffering heavy damage. This mainly includes pulses, oilseeds and cotton crops.

Floods and rains have created havoc in Madhya Pradesh and Telangana. It is raining in many districts of Rajasthan, due to which the situation is likely to worsen further.

In the above five states, sowing of Kharif crops has reached its final stage and the crop sown in the second-third week of June is now in the stage of grain setting and maturing.

The preparation for harvesting of the early sown crop of urad, moong and soybean is going to start in the next two-three weeks and at such a time, its yield rate and quality can be badly affected by the outbreak of floods and rains.

The situation is more or less the same for cotton. It may take a long time for the flood water to recede because the rain is still continuing.

According to the Meteorological Department, the low pressure area formed over Vidarbha division is likely to increase the intensity of rain.

Although this pressure may prevent the low pressure area formed over the Bay of Bengal near the Andhra Pradesh and Orissa coast from advancing for a few days, but its intensity is likely to increase after September 10.

Heavy rains have been predicted in many parts of the country in September, which may prove to be harmful for the early sown Kharif crops.