Ban on use of 10 pesticides in 30 districts of Uttar Pradesh

16-Sep-2024 01:56 PM

Lucknow. The Uttar Pradesh government has banned the use of 10 pesticides used in the cultivation of Basmati rice in 30 districts of the state to remove the obstacle in the way of promoting the export of Basmati rice.

Uttar Pradesh is an important producer of Basmati rice and the government is making every effort to promote the export of this premium quality rice and to make its quality in line with global standards.

It is understood that the residues of the 10 pesticides that were being used were being found in Basmati rice, which was affecting its export. Now this problem is expected to be resolved to a large extent.

It is worth noting that these pesticides were used to prevent the outbreak of insects and diseases in the Basmati rice crop, but many countries have banned its use in the global market or have fixed its residue level very low.

Basmati rice exports from the state fell by 15 per cent due to the presence of residues of a pesticide chemical above the maximum permissible level.

The central agency - Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA) had informed Uttar Pradesh and other major producing states that the European Union has

reduced the maximum residue level of tricyclazole (fungicide chemical) in Basmati rice to 0.01 ppm (parts per million) and hence the quality of rice should be in accordance with it.

Due to high residues, the demand for UP's Basmati rice in Europe, America and West Asia weakened.