Doubts over increase in production of some crops despite increase in sowing area

05-Sep-2024 11:29 AM

New Delhi. Government data shows that compared to last year, there has been a good increase in the production area of ​​crops like paddy, tur (tuvar), moong, maize, jowar, ragi, soybean and groundnut at the national level during the current Kharif season,

due to which an increase in its production can generally be expected, but the way the southwest monsoon is wreaking havoc, the possibility of increase in the production of the above crops is diminishing.

After being weak in June, the activity of monsoon increased significantly in July and August and the Meteorological Department has estimated 9 percent more rainfall than the normal average in September as well.

As a result, many parts of the country are witnessing catastrophic floods due to torrential rains and overflowing of rivers.

Heavy rains and severe floods can prove fatal for the Kharif crops there. The problem is that the sowing season of Kharif crops has now reached its final stage, so there is not enough time for re-sowing in the affected areas.

Of course the Central Agriculture Ministry may determine the production estimate of Kharif crops on the basis of sowing area, but it should not ignore the reality of damage to the crops due to floods and rains.

The crops whose area has decreased have also suffered damage due to natural calamities. This mainly includes black gram, moth, millet, sesame, castor and cotton. The heavy rains of September will prove to be harmful for the early sown crops.