The total production capacity of ethanol in the country increased to 1623 crore liters

13-Sep-2024 03:15 PM

New Delhi. In India, the production capacity of ethanol has increased tremendously by almost three times in the last few years, due to which the production of ethanol is expected to increase rapidly in the coming time. According to the Department of Food and Public Distribution,

the production capacity of ethanol in India was 518 crore liters in 2017-18, which jumped to 1623 crore liters by 2023-24.

This is the figure till 31 August 2024. The central government is making every effort to promote green energy and hence sugar millers and distillers are being encouraged to develop and expand the production capacity of ethanol.

A high target has been set for blending ethanol in petrol, to achieve which a huge increase in the production of ethanol is necessary.

The purchase price of ethanol for oil marketing companies is being increased regularly. In India, both sugarcane and grains are being used for ethanol production. The target of blending ethanol in petrol has been set at 20 percent by the year 2025.

Recently, the government has allowed sugar mills and distilleries to use sugarcane juice, syrup, B-heavy molasses and C-heavy molasses without control in ethanol production, which is valid for the 2024-25 season.

Quantitative control was imposed on its use in the 2023-24 season. The government is giving priority to increasing the production of ethanol instead of opening the export of sugar. The use of corn in the production of ethanol is increasing rapidly.