Next soybean sowing in Brazil expected to be normal

04-Jul-2024 05:30 PM

Sorriso. In Brazil, the world's largest soybean producer and exporter located in the South American continent, sowing of this important oilseed crop usually starts from mid-September, but on the special request of farmer organizations,

the government may allow the sowing process to start only 5-10 days this time. In fact, in the 2023-24 season, the soybean crop suffered a lot due to the weather conditions not being completely favorable in different parts of Brazil. First the soybean crop was affected by lack of rain and heavy heat in states like Mato Grosso,

Parana, Sao Paulo and Mato Grosso do Sul, and then in the far southern state - Rio Grande do Sul, the crop was damaged due to extremely torrential rains and severe floods in the last days of May. Apart from this, due to late sowing of the crop at the national level,

there was also a delay in the harvesting and preparation of the soybean crop, which reduced the sowing area of ​​​​Safrinha maize. In Brazil, Mato Grosso state is in first place in soybean production and Parana state is in second place while Rio Grande do Sul is in third place. Earlier it was believed that leaving Parana behind,

Rio Grande do Sul will become the second most important producer state of Brazil after Mato Grosso this time but natural disasters spoiled the equation. Now the farmers have started the necessary preparations for sowing the next new crop but it will be necessary to see what the weather and rain conditions will be like.