Sugarcane area likely to increase with good monsoon rains

04-Jul-2024 09:07 PM

New Delhi. This time, the southwest monsoon not only reached Karnataka, the country's third largest sugarcane and sugar producing state, on time, but also various parts of the state received good rains. Similarly,

Tamil Nadu is also reported to have received more than normal rainfall. In both these states, a special session for sugarcane crushing is held during July-August and about 2.00-2.50 lakh tonnes of sugar can be produced. This time,

the monsoon also arrived on time in Maharashtra and there was good rainfall in the major sugarcane producing areas.

The crop is expected to benefit from this. Maharashtra is the largest sugar producing state and the second largest sugarcane producing state. Maharashtra's neighboring state Gujarat is also receiving good monsoon rains.

As far as Uttar Pradesh, the largest sugarcane producing state, is concerned, the monsoon often arrives late there. Now the period of heavy rains has begun and along with providing relief to the sugarcane crop, its sowing is also likely to gain momentum.

The top five sugar producing states include Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Gujarat. Apart from this, good sugar is also produced in Bihar, Punjab,

Uttarakhand, Haryana, Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. At the national level, the sugarcane production area has already increased from 55.45 lakh hectares last year to 56.88 lakh hectares this time. It may increase further in the future.