Small and medium sized spice companies are facing the wrath

04-Jul-2024 08:14 PM

New Delhi. Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) is taking very strict action against those spice producing companies whose products are not found to be in accordance with the quality standards. The authority collected about 4 thousand samples of spice products from all over the country and sent them for laboratory testing and as the reports are coming from there,

the condition of the companies is getting worse. It is understood that the licenses of the manufacturers of spice products that do not meet the quality standards have been cancelled.

The number of such firms has reached above 110 whose manufacturing licenses have been cancelled and they have been directed to immediately stop the production of spice products.

At present, the companies whose licenses have been cancelled include small firms of Kerala and Tamil Nadu. Along with this,

laboratory testing of spice products of many companies of states like Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Gujarat is still going on. Not only this, but the authority has also taken samples from the manufacturers of all the famous and popular brands of the country and it is being tested.

Actually the number of testing centres is less and the number of samples is very high, hence there is a delay in getting the test report. Experts say that in the coming time the licenses of some other spice companies may be cancelled. This is likely to cause panic.