More than 633 lakh tonnes of foodgrains stock present in central pool on June 15

25-Jun-2024 06:45 PM

New Delhi. Official data shows that on June 15, 2024, a total of 633.45 lakh tonnes of foodgrains stock was present in the central pool, which was 9.22 lakh tonnes more than the stock of 624.23 lakh tonnes available on June 1.

Under this, the stock of rice increased from 325.18 lakh tonnes to 331.19 lakh tonnes and the stock of wheat improved from 299.05 lakh tonnes to 302.26 lakh tonnes.

But the stock of paddy decreased from 267.76 lakh tonnes to 257.22 lakh tonnes, while the stock of coarse grains improved slightly from 3.92 lakh tonnes to 4.25 lakh tonnes.

Government procurement of wheat is almost over and the procurement of Rabi paddy has also reached the final stage.

Since rice millers currently have a good stock of government paddy for custom milling, the supply of rice for the central pool will continue regularly. But the supply of wheat will now be possible only next year. The government will need 184 lakh tonnes of wheat annually for supply in the PDS,

while it will also ensure its clearance for other items. The open market sale scheme is likely to be relaunched from July-August with an initial allocation of 25 lakh tonnes. On this basis, the government is saying that it has sufficient stock of wheat available.

The allocation of wheat in OMSS may have to be increased from September to February 2025 as the price of wheat may rise in the off season.