Crops benefit from rain in Kerala - Delay in arrival of small cardamom

25-Jun-2024 07:20 PM

New Delhi. Knowledgeable sources say that the current rain in Kerala has not caused any damage to the small cardamom and black pepper crop so far.

If there is excessive rain in the coming days, then the crops may be damaged. If the weather remains favorable for the crop in the coming days, then the grains of the coming small cardamom crop will benefit.

It is worth mentioning that due to lack of rain in the months of March-April, the small cardamom plants had dried up, but due to the rain in the past few days, the plants have started flowering.

Usually, the arrival of small cardamom at the production centers used to start in the month of July, but this year due to adverse weather,

there is an estimation of a delay of about 1 month in the arrival. Sources say that this year the arrival will start around 15th August. Slowdown-No

Sources believe that there is no possibility of slowdown in the prices of cardamom in the near future. Because in the coming days, due to the demand for marriages and delay in arrival,

prices are expected to remain high. Recently, a rise of 25/50 rupees per kg has been registered in the prices of cardamom.

In the South Indian Cardamom Online Auction Pvt. Ltd. held today at the production centers, 36140 kg arrived and 35641 kg was traded. The maximum price quoted in the auction was Rs. 2788 and the average price was Rs. 2280 per kg.