After imposition of stock limit on Tuvar-Chana, the market softened a little.

25-Jun-2024 05:43 PM

New Delhi. After the central government imposed storage limits on Tuvar, Desi Chana and Kabuli Chana on June 21, its prices saw a slight softening in some major wholesale markets.

Storage limits will remain applicable on these pulses till 30 September 2024. Stock limits on pulses have been imposed for stockists / wholesalers, retailers,

big chain retailers and millers-processors and importers have been asked to unload the stock of imported pulses in the domestic market within 45 days of custom clearance.

According to the India Pulses and Grains Association (IPGA), the apex organization of the pulses industry-trade sector,

pulse traders cannot unload the entire container with storage, limit in the market nor can they sell it suddenly because stock limits are also applicable for those who buy it.

Similarly, now stock limits of pulses are applicable in exporting countries as well. Similarly, even in the exporting countries, keeping the stock of pulses safe for a long time is not proving to be economically beneficial because its cost has increased.

According to a leading analyst, past experiences show that despite the implementation of storage limits, there will be no significant impact on the market. Neither will there be much increase in the supply and availability of pulses,

nor will there be a fall in prices. The stock of Tuvar is very low, hence there is doubt about its price going down. Farmers have more stock of gram. Even if the price of Tuvar goes down, it may rise again after some time.